
What is so central to the world of fashion is its reliance on constant change, instances of which are never in short supply. How quickly discussions around wedding bands have caught pace with that on wedding rings is itself proof of that. And the topic we are concerned about in this article is a corollary to that, how viable is a gold wedding band for those who are planning to buy wedding bands?

When it comes to metals used in wedding bands, there’s a great variety of options there. Platinum would be your best choice if elegance is your top priority and you are willing to unburden your purse for that. Still higher up the scale, you can go for Titanium bands. You can notch down with palladium which is considered to be ‘Poor man’s platinum’. In my opinion, though, gold wedding bands beat palladium in look ... Read more »

Category: Jewelry | Views: 135 | Added by: 10kweddingbands | Date: 06.18.2022